To reflect a breath-of-fresh-air sea change in leadership and firm culture, this growing New England construction management company needed a new name, a clear message, and a bada$$ new look.
Unshakeable optimism.
New leadership felt weighed down by an old name and wanted to showcase their irrepressible energy and optimism. Their khakis, not suits attitude needed to shine through, resonate with job site crews, and be polished enough for their life science and healthcare clients. (…looking cool on company apparel and swag was also a must.)
GAGE means pledge or oath, and is a guarantee of good faith. Its meaning reflects the company’s culture and how deeply they value their team, clients, and project partners. Also a play on “gauge,” it communicates attention, a watchful eye, precision and accuracy.

Heavy caps set the tone at a glance. A closer look reveals the bold, upward arrow that became a signature brand extension and a sure sign of upward mobility and optimism. Pulling “construction” into a curve mimics ticks on a dial, or placing it at a 90° angle in printed materials, further illuminates the brand message. The color palette is built around their signature khaki and a vibrant “safety yellow” pop–with black, slate, and concrete grounding it all.
Web design.
Completed projects take a back seat to capabilities and service on GAGE’s new website. Messaging and content hierarchy brings clarity to expertise and quashes any misconceptions about their abilities.